Hayataka TAKASE
Name : Hayataka TAKASE
University : University of Tokyo
Country : Japan
Hayataka Takase, at the age of 28, completed his Ph.D. in Agricultural Science from the University of Tokyo and is scheduled to conduct one year of postdoctoral research at the same institution starting in April 2025. He has also been selected for the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Fellowship for Young Scientists. Additionally, he obtained a high school teaching license in science at the age of 23.
Chen Zhao
Name : Chen Zhao
University : Case Western Reserve University
Country : USA
Dr. Zhao received his M.D. from China Medical University (Shenyang, China) in 1993 and Ph.D. from Keio University School of Medicine (Tokyo, Japan) in 2002. He conducted his postdoctoral research in Dr. Tannishtha Reya’s laboratory at Duke University Medical Center, where he demonstrated the important roles of the Wnt and Hedgehog signaling pathways in regulating the self-renewal of chronic myeloid leukemia stem cells. He became a physician-scientist (assistant professor) in the Department of Pathology at the University of Iowa in 2014. In addition to fulfill his clinical service as a hematopathologist, he has been focusing on developing basic and translational research programs exploring novel signaling pathways in hematologic malignancies. He was promoted to an associate professor with tenure before leaving UIOWA. He joined in the Department of Pathology at CWRU in August 2020.
Fernanda Mariano Garcia
Name : Fernanda Mariano Garcia
University : Federal University of Espírito Santo
Country : Brazil
Fernanda Mariano Garcia has completed his PhD at the age of 30 years from Federal University of Espírito Santo and postdoctoral studies in the same University. She has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals and various Abstracts published in conference proceedings, she have experience in organization of events, and participation in Final course work defenses.
Simina Alina Georgiana
Name : Simina Alina Georgiana
University : King Michael I University of Life Sciences
Country : Romania
Simina Alina Georgiana is a resolute Research Assistant in Biotechnology at The Center for Gene and Cellular Therapies in Cancer Treatment – OncoGen and a PhD Student in Biotechnology at the University of Life Sciences “Regele Mihai I” in Timisoara. During her studies she started volunteering in the research laboratories of her university, gaining experience, and understanding the biological process in plants. She presented her work at various scientific conferences. Her expertise lies in in vitro plant cell and tissue cultivation including crop plant multiplication, microbiology (inoculation, isolation of fungi and their evaluation as biocontrol agents), and molecular biology techniques such as DNA extraction, PCR, and agarose gel electrophoresis. She wants to improve her knowledge of Next- generation sequencing (NGS) and analysis of mitochondrial respiration staying in touch with advanced laboratory techniques. She also gained international research experience during her training at Agrico, a research facility in the Netherlands, and in Thomas More University of Applied Science Geel, Microbiology laboratory.
In her free hours she likes to sing in choir and dance with her friends. She enjoys going to concerts and theater and loves to travel and to know other cultures.
Enthusiastic about scientific innovation, Simina is dedicated to exploring biotechnological solutions that drive progress in agriculture and healthcare.
Participation in research projects:
Jasmina Nikolic
Name : Jasmina Nikolic
University : University of Belgrade
Country : Serbia
Dr Jasmina Nikolić (date of birth 13. 03. 1975. Belgrade, Serbia) is a chemical engineer, professor of Organic Chemistry, and a possesses of PhD of technical sciences, in the area of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, obtained in 2010. She is an associate professor of Organic Chemistry, at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy.
She teaches Organic Chemistry, Physical Organic Chemistry and Chemistry of Heterocyclic compounds, as well as the laboratory practice for the same courses.
Her scientific interests are the analysis of structure and reactivity of organic compounds, as well as of their biological activity, and also their application in the chemistry of materials and environment protection, which resulted in a considerable number of publications.
She is also a layout editor for the English language in The Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society.
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